
Selection and guidance

Selection of top-quality calves

To give milk, each dairy cow gives birth to a calf every year. Calves who are not needed to replace dairy cows, such as bull calves and part of the heifer calves, are collected at selection centres in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. Here, calves are carefully selected for weight, class, type and health. At G. van Beek en Zn. we buy and sell only the best nukas (newborn calves), starters and calves, which are then raised on the veal farms.

 Selection of top-quality calves

Guidance and support for veal farmers

Our history with calves goes way back. As experienced veal farmers, we understand the specific needs of calves and ensure they receive the best possible care. Thanks to our years of experience, we know which adjustments or solutions are effective in the barn. We guide veal farmers in the Netherlands with our knowledge and expertise, with our barn supervisor maintaining intensive contact and offering support where needed. We are convinced that collaboration is essential for promoting a healthy veal sector.

Contact us
Guidance and support for veal farmers

Animal-friendly transport

In cooperation with our partner Gerwin van Beek Veetransport, we always ensure animal-friendly transport of both newborn and fattened calves. The calves are transported in air-conditioned livestock trucks, protecting them from driving wind, cold, sun and temperature changes. We keep the transport time as short as possible and ensure that each animal is optimally cared for during transport. Animal friendliness and comfort are paramount.

Animal-friendly transport

A healthy calf in an animal-friendly barn, surrounded by the care of a passionate veal farmer.

A healthy calf in an animal-friendly barn, surrounded by the care of a passionate veal farmer.

Together with you, we find the best solution

With more than 45 years of experience and a strong focus on innovation, our passionate staff is ready to provide you with customised advice.

Get in touch
Or call: +31 (0) 342 41 6583
Together with you, we find the best solution